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  5. Send SMS campaign for an external contacts group

Send SMS campaign for an external contacts group

The process of sending SMS campaign consists of four key steps:

1. Creating an external group
2. Adding contacts to the group (external database/ external app)
3. Creating the SMS campaign
4. Sending the SMS campaign

In this guide, we will explain the single method that consolidates all four steps mentioned above and executes them simultaneously:
Load your contacts, create a new group, create a new campaign and send it in a single step. there is a size limit of 20000 contacts using regular json, or 50000 using zipped json. This method may be called up to 20 times per minute.

post /campaigns/sms/loadContactsAndSend

Example for JSON:
“new_campaign_details”: {
“name”: “campaign_sms”,
“body”: “hi”
“contacts”: [
“external_id”: “123456”,
“mobile_number”: “97251111111”,
“fields”: [
“name”: “field1”,
“content”: “my_name”
“clear_existing_fields”: true
“group_name”: “my_group_name123”,
“ignore_duplicate_send_validation”: true,
“template_id”: *****

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