Contacts are the foundation of the inwise platform. Two key fields can be used to create contacts: the email address or/and the mobile number.
Create or update contacts by using email address or/and mobile number.
You may add more additional data field (we call them personal fields) such as firs name, last name, birthdate etc.
You can add contacts to a specific contact group using the add_to_groups_ids
object, and the key is the Group ID, you can find it in your inwise account.
Example 1 – Add 1 contact
{ "id": 0, "email": "", "mobile_number": "972541111111", "fields": [ { "name": "field1", "content": "test name" } ], "confirmation_status": "confirmed", "add_to_groups_ids": [ 721129 ], "remove_from_groups_ids": [ 0 ], "remove_from_all_other_groups": true, "clear_existing_fields": true, "external_id": "string" }
Example 2 – Add contact with personal fields (first name, last name, birthday)
{ "email": "", "mobile_number": "972541111111", "fields": [ { "name": "field1", "content": "fname1" }, { "name": "field2", "content": "lname1" }, { "name": "field21", "content": "12/06/1980" } ], "confirmation_status": "confirmed", "add_to_groups_ids": [715983] }
Example 3 – Add contact with support for local mobile
{ "email": "", "mobile_number": "0541111111", "trim_mobile_number_leading_zero":true, "add_default_country_to_mobile_number_only_if_not_exists":true, "mobile_number_default_country_code":"972", "fields": [ { "name": "field1", "content": "fname1" }, { "name": "field2", "content": "lname1" }, { "name": "field21", "content": "12/06/1980" } ], "confirmation_status": "confirmed", "add_to_groups_ids": [715983] }
POST /contacts/batchInsert
An example of calling the method to import contacts
{ "csv_file": Email,Mobile,Firstname,Lastname,0541111111,fname1 ,lname1,0541111112,fname2,lname2 ", "fields_mapping": [ { "field_name": "[Email]", "file_column_name": "Email" }, { "field_name": "[MobileNumber]", "file_column_name": "Mobile" }, { "field_name": "1", "file_column_name": "Firstname" }, { "field_name": "2", "file_column_name": "Lastname" } ], "group_id": "XXXXXX", "updateExistingContacts": true, "country_code": "972", "trim_leading_zero": true } ' ''
GET /contacts
This method returns the 1000 most recent contacts from your inwise account. As a result, a list of contacts will be generated with their personal fields.
– Don’t refer to the updated contacts, but only the created ones.
– Return up to 1000 rows, which is the maximum possible.
– Rows returned in previous reads will not be returned in future reads. Each time you make a call, you will only receive new contacts.
{ curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'X-API-Key: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' ''
Response code
If everything goes well, you should get a success response (Response code 200) with a JSON body giving you the id of the contact created.
If you get (Response code 422) – Failed because of a conflict. Its mean that “The email exists for contact ID #439130785.The mobile number exists for contact ID #439134049.”