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  5. Transactional SMS request example

Transactional SMS request example

Send an immediate SMS to your contacts
with or without parameters,
with or without attachments.

The sending can be done synchronously – this is the default mode.
Or asynchronously – in this case you will only get the “queued” response and sending will be done later with a background service.

POST /transactional/SMS/send

Request URL:


Example 1 – Simple send, sync mode

"message": {
    "content": "BODY of the message",
    "charset": "unicode",
    "to": [
        "mobile_number": "972-54-1111111"

Example 2 – Send, with async mode

 message: {
    content: "Hi",
    charset: "unicode",
    unsubscribe_text: "Click to unsubscribe: ",

    add_unsubscribe_link: true,
    add_unsubscribe_sms_reply: true,
    to: [
        "mobile_number": "972-54-1111111"
	"async": true,
	"send_at": "2020-01-20 13:05:00+02:00"

Example 3 – Send to kosher number

message: {
    content: "Hi. ",
    charset: "unicode",
    unsubscribe_text: "remove: ",

    add_unsubscribe_link: true,
    add_unsubscribe_sms_reply: true,
    to: [
        "mobile_number": "972-58-32XXXXX"
	"async": true,

Example 4 – More attributes

"message": {
    "content": "Hi #field1#,
your package was just sent.
track link: www.google.com
    "to": [
        "mobile_number": "972-54-111111"
    "track_clicks": true,
    "field_vars": [{
          "rcpt": "972-54-XXXXXXX",
           "fields": [{
                 "name": "field1",
                 "content": "Hi",
                 "type": "string"
    "tags": ["PackageMessage1"]  
"async": true,
"send_at": "2020-01-20 13:05:00+02:00"

Response code

If everything goes well, you should get a success response code 200 –  response url as the model schema

Response code 401 – response url = “you are not authorized to use rest API”

when send Async mode:

  • queued“. final status and reject reason should be then retrieved from GET methods.
  • sent” (when ended with success)
  • invalid” (when error in the phone number) + “reject_reason”: “invalid-number”
  • rejected” (when refused sending for unsubscribe reason) + “reject_reason”: “unsubscribe”
  • rejected” (then number is marked as kosher – refused incoming message) + reject_reason”: “kosher-number”
  • queued + "reject_reason": “insufficient-funds” (when no credit to send)

* There are more reject reasons as: exception, invalid_mobile_number, bounced, unsubscribed, no_credit, cancelled_by_user, kosher_number


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